Tag Archives: entertainment

Miss Medody’s Box (1796 words)

This is a children’s story exploring Pandora’s Box and the extent curiosity may be resisted.  It’s based around a prompt entitled ‘Do NOT open the box’.


Miss Melody’s Box (1,796 words)

Mia blinks twice feeling a little dreary-eyed as Miss Melody continues to rant on about the myths of ancient Greece. It is supposed to be her favourite part of class because she loves a good story and the tales of that era in particular is so fascinating. Mia tries hard to hold back a yawn as Miss Melody’s voice drones on somewhere in her ear. She knows she shouldn’t have stayed up so late last night watching that fantasy movie on Netflix. Her adopted parents had scolded her a few times for it but did she listen?

Mia begins to let out that huge yawn she’s been trying to hold back hoping that no one notices but to her horror she fails:

“Mia!” Mrs Melody shouts, “Wake up!” She jerks up in shock, suddenly very wide awake as she’s called to attention.

“WHAT was I saying about Pandora’s box?” Mia tries to recall as much as she can from the pleasure-reading she’s been doing.

“You’re not supposed to open it because all the bad stuff comes out?”

“What else?” Miss Melody challenges.

“There’s a bit of hope at the bottom of the box before all the bad stuff comes out?”

“No, Mia, that is not what I was saying.” Some of the class erupt into giggles as Mia’s face turns a shade of bright red. Trevor O’Neil puts his hand up:

“When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus, the king of Gods took vengeance by presenting Pandora who opened a jar containing sickness, death and other evils,” he says as he gives Mia a smug look, “Is what Miss Melody was saying.”

“Precisely,” Miss Melody applauds. “That’s very good, Trevor,” she says. “Although Mia isn’t too far off either.” She pauses for emphasis. “Hope indeed is the final thing left in the box. Now some people have described hope as bringing a false sense of optimism or ‘deceptive expectation’” She begins to write those words up on the backboard, “but there is a very strong argument advocating that it is indeed the only good thing left in the box.”

Mia becomes more alert as a certain part of the lecture begins to get interesting.

“However, what circulates around this myth is the temptation of the box itself. Is man so bold as to open a box that contains some of the deepest and darkest forces simply to appease his curiosity?” Miss Melody stares round the class eyeing each child one by one. “We shall soon find out.”

Mia looks round the room as a sullen silence fills the air. Miss Melody always seems to have that effect on people. There is something truly hypnotic about this teacher. Sometimes she also feels like Miss Melody could read her mind or maybe she’s just psychic. She is her favourite teacher.

“Class,” Miss Melody resumes. “I have brought each and every one of you a box. This is so all of you might better understand the temptation that is Pandora’s box,” she clears her throat. “What if I were to tell you that inside the box you will find something that is to your heart’s desire. Unfortunately, there is something at the bottom of the box that will punish you if you dare to open your box before I say so. OK?” Miss Melody begins to hand out each box to everyone in the class. Mia is surprised to notice that her own box has her name on it. “Now, you see, most people like to do the opposite of what they’re told not to,” says Miss Melody, “You wouldn’t happen to be one of those people would you?” She adds, “I guess we will soon find out.” A few of her classmates begin to giggle although Mia wonders if that’s just because they’re nervous. As if on queue, the bell rings, signaling the end of the class.

“Let me be clear! Your homework for this week is not to open the box. Do NOT open the box, OK?”

Although a few of her classmates have hurried out of the room, a lot of them are still in class glaring at their boxes as if hypnotised. Mia takes a good look at her own box on her desk. She marvels at the beautiful embroidery of flowers around her box and the lovely shade of pink that it is. She always did like pink. She notes the lonely ribbon that seals the packet and feels a twinge of temptation to pull it open. She restrains herself.

Mia looks round the room and notices that a couple of her classmates haven’t and a few of the have already opened their box and disregarded the homework Miss Melody has set. Heather Green, the most popular girl in school is one of them as she calls out:

“OH my God! It’s real pearls! REAL pearls!”

Mia looks at the necklace Heather holds in her hand. How could Miss Melody afford that? On her teacher’s paycheck. Mia is confused.

“I told daddy to get me one of these. I always wanted one but he’s all on about how I’m too young for it.” Says Heather. “She didn’t want me to open the box because she doesn’t want me to have it! I don’t care what she says!”

A couple more of her classmates start to open their own boxes as they can’t resist to discover what they’ll find in theirs. Tom, Richard and Theresa all open theirs and Mia is surprised to see a whole lot of wealth pour out of those too. A diamond bracelet and some expensive cuff-links made of gold with the kids all lying and saying how they wanted exactly that. Mia becomes irritated:

“Homework guys! This is HOMEWORK.” She shouts.

“Homework my ass,” says Heather giving her hair a final flip before leaving class with her beautiful necklace. Only Trevor seems to be paying any attention to Mia:

“You’re off to a good start but good luck not opening your one until the week’s out,” he says. He picks up his bag and walks out the room.

“You too,” she says as she hurries out.

When she gets home her adopted parents ask her about her day in school. She knows that both her dads are great giving advice. She tells them everything that’s happened in class and shows them the box she’s not supposed to open:

“Easy,” says Mark. “If the box is not supposed to be opened then don’t open it.”

“Put it to the side and just forget about it,” says George. “No use crying over something you’re not supposed to have.”

The next few days at school start getting weirder and weirder. For a start a couple of students don’t turn up to class and strangely some of them also happen include Tom, Richard, Theresa and Heather – all the kids who’d opened their box on the previous day. A couple more days go by and the class begins to get emptier and emptier each time. Mia begins to feel as if there’s something creepy going on.

When at home, Mia takes her parents’ advice to leave the box to the side and not look at it. Every time she does, she gets a very strange and irresistible urge to simply pull the ribbon loose, open the box and discover what’s inside.

Over the days Mia manages to resist and on day seven she brings the box into Miss Melody’s class and places it on her desk while waiting for the lesson to start. Mia notices Trevor in class before her. Apart from him there is no one else. How is it that the only kids who have turned up today are herself and Trevor O’Neil?

“What’s happened to them? Where have they gone?” she asks him. He shrugs and she could tell by the look on his face that he too is equally baffled. After a few minutes Miss Melody comes in. She resumes with the lesson as if there is nothing unusual. Trevor puts up his hand:

“Yes, Trevor, I hope you have something interesting to share with us about Pandora?”

He puts his hand down:

“It’s not about that,” he says. “Miss Melody? What’s happened to the other kids?”

“Why, Trevor,” she says. “I’m surprised you’ve even had to ask.” She shuffles a couple of papers on her desk. “They’ve been detained, of course.”

“Detained?” Says Mia. “As in given detention?”

“Of course,” says Miss Melody.

“But where are they?” Asks Trevor.

“My, you do ask so many questions,” she says. “Is it not a rule of the school that if a student fails to hand in their homework or produces homework at a highly unsatisfactory fashion that they are given detention?”

An empty silence pervades the room.

“As it happens they have ALL produced their homework to an unsatisfactory standard and they are all being punished.” Then she whispers, “I have detained them inside the box.”

Mia and Trevor look at each other in confusion.

“But YOU two! YOU are my model students. The only two in fact who have completed the homework set to a satisfactory standard and consequently you’ll be rewarded.”

Mia feels a thrill pass through her following the word ‘reward’ but she has another question and raises her hand:

“Yes, child?”

“What about the others?” She asks.

“Oh, no, they will receive no reward but I will be letting them out of their boxes soon enough. When I have deemed that their punishment is sufficient.” She clears her throat.

“Well, that’s that then,” says Trevor. “Can I have my prize please?”

“Oh, of course. Your prize is and has always been inside your box which both of you are now permitted to open and, for heeding the homework, you are both permitted to keep. Now you will open your box and you will find all that your heart desires.”

Trevor ravages his box open and discovers a go-kart:

“Yay! Christmas has come early,” he says. Then he begins to look perplexed. “How did she know this is exactly what I wanted?”

Mia decides to restrain herself a little more and open hers at home.

When she gets home, she tears open her box under the gaze of George and finds a pair of the cutest kittens. Mia looks to her father for permission to keep the kittens and when he says ‘yes,’ her heart fills with joy.

Sunlight suddenly seeps through the window and into the room and Mia thinks she’s going to have a really good week.

Stupid Cupid (a short story)

This is a heart-warming short-story for children.  It was based on a prompt set on Valentine’s Day in February 2017. If you like predictable, happy ends, you’ll probably enjoy reading this story 🙂


Stupid Cupid

statue church amor cupid

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com


Max sits huddled on the bed with the blankets sprawled over him. A cold wind drifts into his room through the open window. The drapes lap softly, chilled by the cold February air. Max is glad for his warm blankets as he gazes out the window at the starry sky. The fresh air feels cool as he breathes it into his lungs. He’ll close the windows soon but not right now. Soft moonbeams fall lightly into his room. As Max gazes at the dark night outside he sees a bright light moving toward him and getting larger and larger. As the light seems to be coming his way, it appears to be some kind of moving celestial figure. What is that object? Surely it’s not some kind of shooting star? But if it is then why in the world would it be drifting toward his bedroom? Max pulls his bed covers closer to him. He rubs his eyes as he gazes at the light coming forward, making sure that they’re not playing tricks on him. His parents are only in the next door room so he’s sure he could call them if he needed them. However, Max is feeling slightly braver than that.

As the moving object begins to get larger, Max is finally able to make out an obscure sort of shape. Closer and closer it comes until suddenly… CRASH!

The being has landed through the window and seems to be in a very sorry way.

“Ooooomph!” It gets up and stumbles, seeming to be in search of something while still trying to regain its composure. “Confound it!” he says. “Now. Where have I dropped it?”

Max is startled to see the being in his room though at first he was rather afraid. But judging by the clumsiness of the celestial creature there was something amusing about it and Max’s nerves have lightened.

“If you mean your bow and arrow, they’re under that table there.”

“Ah, so it is,” says the celestial being, striving to get his act together.

The being has rather cute, angelic features yet there is still an element of mischief in his eyes. Its pert, white wings glow beautifully in the dark and he’s undressed apart from the single, white sash he wears across his body. He illuminates through the night, so although it’s rather dark in Max’s room with the lights out, Max can see the creature very clearly.

“Allow me to introduce myself,” says the angel. “I am Cupid.” An expression of puzzlement crosses Max’s face, slowly replaced by an expression of recognition.

“You were here last year, weren’t you?” he says.

“Yes,” says the angel. “Yes, I was.”

“I can’t for a moment remember why,” says Max. “And you’re back now?” Max says after a pause.

“Yes,” says Cupid. “Yes, I am.” A silence prevails the room. “Oh, who am I but a washed up Cherub?” Says Cupid. “My powers don’t even work anymore. See this bow? See this arrow? No matter what I do and where I point, they’re just not falling in love. Young boy, I was here last year but I failed abysmally. I’m here to make you fall in love with Angie.”

“Angie?” Max says. “Next door neighbour Angie? Not on your life!” says Max.

“But you forget I was here about Angie last year?” says Cupid. “I fired and fired and fired but nothing came out of it. My powers completely useless. But this time, mark my words, I’m going to make it work! I will prove the powers of Cupid work better than any of the other angels put together!”

“There’s no way you’re going to make me fall in love with Angie,” Max resists. “Not happening, Cupid! Just get out of here.”

“And pray tell me, ” says Cupid. “Why it is you object so much to loving her?”

Max pulls a face and as Cupid studies him more carefully, Max’s face begins to turn a bright tinge of red.

“We have nothing in common for one thing,” says Max. “Bleurgh for another.”

“Oh, children. Your age make the sweetest subjects for love. It’s all cute and innocent. Never the slightest degree of suspicion.”

Max struggles to find reasons to make Cupid call it off. “But aren’t I too young?” he says. “Who wants to find love any way?” he objects.

“Oh no,” says Cupid. “According to my experience this is the perfect time! Start them off right away, I say.”

“But she walks her cat on a leash!” protests Max.

“As do you not do your dog?” says Cupid.

“But that’s different,” says Max.

“Why is it different?” challenges Cupid.

“Look, you’re just not going to make us fall in love OK? Russell hates her cat, anyway. Almost as much as she hates me.”

“Oh, but this is all the more reason to bring you two together,” Cupid says, clapping his hands, seeming to enjoy the challenge. “Hey boy, ever heard the phrase reverse psychology? The more you two hate one another, the more you’re playing out your love for each other.”

“Reverse what?” says Max. “Did you not hear me? She hates me!”

“And I’m sure the feeling is mutual,” says Cupid with a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.

“Who needs love anyway?” says Max pulling a face.

“My dear boy, you mean to say you have no idea what brought you to the very face of existence? Maybe you’re still too young to know but it wouldn’t have happened without the love of your parents. You’re very lucky to have them, you know? Both of them.”

“Go away!” Max cringes throwing a pillow at Cupid’s direction. Max has only just noticed that the sky is beginning to get brighter and realises he’s hadn’t had much sleep the whole night. “And let me sleep,” he adds.

“Alright,” replies Cupid. “I will go away. But do not think for a moment think that I’m leaving. Cupid never passes up a challenge and I will be on your case until the moment I succeed! Now good night, young man.” With that he flies out the window and soars away across the twilight.

The next morning, Max is outside grooming his dog when Angie comes out with of her house with her ginger cat, Molly. Russell begins to growl.

“Gonna walk your dog today, Max?”

“Oh, lay off, Angie!” says Max. “No one walks a cat on a leash!”

“Cats want to be walked to the park too.”

“No they don’t!” says Max. “You’re copying me doing that. You know that don’t make sense. Cats being walked on a lead.”

At that moment Russell breaks free from Max’s grip and runs toward Molly, excited to rip her to shreds. Molly, sensing the danger, breaks free immediately and rushes up the nearest tree. Russell barks at the cat threateningly, daring it to come down.

“Look what you’ve gone and done!” Angie rages. “It’ll be ages until she comes down again. Might even have to call the firemen.” Max represses a laugh. “And you can wipe off that odious smile on your face too!” she adds. “It’s all because of your dog that she’s even in this mess. Put him on an leash and you still can’t restrain him.”

Max shakes his head, “Well it’s not my fault your cat is such a *****!” he says. Angie gasps.

“You take that back!” she fumes.

“No! No, I won’t!” he says.

“And it’s not my fault your dog is so darn stupid!” she retorts, silently looking like she wants to scratch Max’s eyes out. Max shakes his head. To think that Cupid wanted to pair him up with this nutcase. It was unfathomable. Not on your life. Max could easily have called his dog off but was enjoying the scene too much.

All of a sudden Cupid appears, tutting at Max with a finger.

“Like annoying her, do you?” Cupid says with an air of mischief in his eyes. “Well, it’s no wonder you two don’t get on.”

“Gee,” Max groans. “I thought you were gone!”

“Gone?” says Cupid. “Me? No.”

Just then Cupid sails toward the sky taking aim of his bow and arrow which seems set to hit Angie, but then he redirects the aim and fires it purposefully at Russell. Russell, who seems to be having too good a time scaring the life of Molly, is left in a kind of momentary daze when the arrow finally and very lightly hits him on the head.

“Hey! What have you done to my dog?” protests Max.

A few seconds later, Russell’s growling comes to a halt and, to Max’s surprise, he seems to begin barking rather amiably, calling to the cat in very friendly tones.

“All stars ablazing!” cries Cupid. “It’s actually worked! Honestly, Max, I never expected anything of the sort.”

“Take the charm off my dog!” argues Max.

“Can’t do that, Max. It’s too late,” Cupid says, not looking very sorry at all.

“Hey!” cries Angie. “Your dog seems a lot nicer, Max!” But Max is too distracted to hear. Instead he watches as Cupid soars toward the sky and this time directs his arrow to fire at Molly. Molly, in a brief instance of stupor once struck by the arrow, suddenly drops down from the tree and starts purring gratefully against Russell.

“Gee, whizz!” rejoices Cupid. “And to think I’ve been capable of doing that!”

But Max isn’t pleased at all.

“What have you done?” he shouts. “He’s never liked that cat! She’s never liked him. Honestly, Cupid, why don’t you just mind your own business?”

“Well, young Max, events are just about to change,” says Cupid.

“Hey Max, look at that!” calls Angie. “Your dog and my cat actually like each other.”

“Yeah, great,” says Max ungratefully. Angie’s face changes from sheer delight to something resembling pain.

“I don’t like this any more than you do!” she starts to shout. “You’re such scatter-brain.” Humiliated, she runs toward Molly, picks up the leash and moves together with her quickly toward the house. “But it’s not up to us whom they choose to love or hate,” she adds behind her before closing the door. “It’s not up to anybody!”

Max gives Cupid a withering stare.

“Well, I hope you’re happy with yourself!” he says. Cupid’s looking very smug.

“Oh, yes I am,” he says cheekily, raising his eyebrows. “Me able to do that? But it’s not over yet. Not by a mile”

“You’re not still on about making me fall in love with her are you?”

“Oh yes I am,” says Cupid. After a pause of thought he continues. “You see, I’ve fired a couple arrows at both of you all through the night but considering how you reacted to each other this morning, it hasn’t worked.” He says sadly.

“You did what?!” Max fumes. “Mark my words IT’S NOT GOING TO WORK! Don’t you get it? It wasn’t meant to be. Now go away! I’ve got school to go to.” He makes his way toward the house and then stops. “You’re not thinking of coming over with me there too are you?” Cupid nods mischievously and grins. “What? You are?” says Max, reeling in shock. “Have you not put me through enough for the day?” says Max.

“On the contrary,” says Cupid.

“People won’t see you will they?” asks Max, fearfully. Cupid shakes his head.

“Only whom I speak to has the ability to see me, Master. “

Max sighs, “Well, at least that,” he says, relieved. “Because that’d put me in all sorts of real trouble otherwise.” Max hurries into the house to get ready and change for school, trying very hard to push the thought of Cupid to the back of his mind and pretend that everything is normal.

When Max gets into class, he realises he’s one of the first ones there. He takes a seat at his usual place, a side desk right next to the window. When he opens his homework book, he realises that there are some arithmetic questions he was supposed to do for class today. He’d completely forgotten about it! He groans. Why’s everything in his life turning out so wrong?

When the other pupils begin filling up their desks, Max notices that a few of them have already started handing out their Valentine’s cards. Max cringes. When was all of this going to be over? He begins to hope the month of March shall be arriving sooner. At least Cupid might be gone by then. And if he keeps his head low, maybe he can avoid a single card altogether.

Miss Smith, the classroom teacher, is last to enter the room. Wasting no time, she’s already set the pupils their class work before passing by each of their desks one by one to collect the homework. Finally, she stops at Max’s desk.

“Homework,” she says. Max, very nervously, makes an attempt to ignore her at first. But when this doesn’t work, she sets an authoritative hand on his desk repeats more loudly:


Max coughs nervously looking for any reason.

“Er..” he says. “You see miss, my dog fell in love with the neighbour’s cat today whom he absolutely hates -” A fit of giggles begins to erupt from the class around him. Max quickly realises that this is no way to fish for sympathy, “.. and I forgot.” He finishes.

Miss Smith authoritatively slams a ruler over his desk.

“That’s an hour’s detention after school!” she shouts. “And for your lie, that will be had with the headmistress!”

Just then, Max observes Cupid materialise from thin air. Cupid points a small cherubic finger at Miss Smith and gives him both a wink and a thumbs up. Max represses a groan. Squaring her shoulders, Miss Smith heads back around and heads toward the front of the room. At the same time, Cupid raises both his arms, aiming to strike her with his bow and arrow.

“Oh, no.. no.. no.. no.. no,” Max says but it’s too late.

Cupid lets go of the arrow and it hurls out into the air and lands on the teacher’s head. For a few seconds the matron seems lost for words. Then quite as unexpectedly, she loosens her the band off her tight pony-tail and starts smoothing it over her shoulders. She saunters back toward Max’s table waving her hips as she approaches. She giggles at him as she approaches in a way that begins to make Max slightly uncomfortable and he shifts slightly in his seat. Her figure towering over him.

“You can forget about that detention, cutie-pie,” she says batting her lashes. “Just hand in the sums tomorrow. Or any time you want to, honey.” She says. “Now do you prefer my hair worn this way or that way?” She asks.

“That way,” Max replies gulping.

“Alright then, honey-bun,” she says as she saunters back to the front of the room. The class bursts into hysteria and begin to make kissy noises. Oh god, he’s never going to live this down, Max thinks, raising a hand to conceal his already very crimson face. But at least it’s got him out of detention with the Headmistress. Very slowly he raises a hand and weakly gives Cupid a thumbs up.

At the end of the day when school is over, Max doesn’t know whether to praise Cupid for letting him out of detention or scold him for all the flirtatious looks Miss Smith has been giving him throughout class. In the end there’s only one question to ask:

“Was that really to get me out of detention or prove to yourself that your powers are strong?”

“They’re getting a whole lot better now aren’t they?” says Cupid beaming. Then suddenly without warning, Cupid begins to fire sparks at him.

“There,” he says. “And there. And there. And there.”

“Ouch!” Max says, “Ouch! Ouch! Cut it out! What in the world do you think you’re doing?”

“In love with her yet?”

“Who? Angie? No way!”

Cupid scratches his head puzzled. “I just don’t get it,” he says. “The way you two rant on together, you’d think you were pining for each other,” says Cupid.

“Quite the contrary actually,” says Max. The two of them both begin making their way toward Max’s house. As Cupid continues squabbling, Max looks around wondering if Angie’s just about to round a corner.

“But you really don’t see the qualities in Angie? Why you two were made for each other? Why you should be bound in holy matrimony?”

“Cupid, has it ever crossed your mind that now may still not be the right time? Have you ever thought about that?” says Max. They both turn toward the road that is Max’s street.

“You see this girl has all the right qualities,” Cupid continues. “And she wears them all on the surface,” he says. “If you just give her one more chance..” he says desperately. “You’ll see she’s a very kind girl indeed. A very generous girl. The girl-next-door type. All sweet and innocent.”

And as the two draw closer toward Max’s house, Max can finally see Angie approaching from the distance. Seemingly, she’s returning from the routinely walk she always makes taking her cat through the park. As he nears toward her he starts to see a light in her eyes he’s never noticed before. In the distance he hears the sound of Russell barking excitedly and it diverts his attention. He realises that Angie’s heard Russell too because she begins to look up. She notices him too. The loud dog trudges through the street and seems to be running towards him. Rather than stop by his side, however, the dog takes a running flight toward Angie to get closer to Molly. Molly purrs in delight as Russell paws her playfully. Suddenly a beautiful laugh escapes Angie. One of the most beautiful sounds Max has ever heard. Then when Max notices the yellow leash that Angie uses to walk her cat, for the first time in his life, he smiles at her.

They both get closer and they lock gazes. And as Cupid continues to squabble in his ear about what it is that makes Angie the perfect girl, Max, for the very first time begins to realise why. They both smile at each other and the sun lights both their faces. Then very slowly they both make their way into their own houses.

“She’s beautiful,” Max whispers when he’s finally on his porch. Cupid, not having noticed any of this is finally alert.

“What? What was that?” he says.

“I said she’s beautiful,” says Max.

“You mean to says that my charms and spells have finally come to work?” says Cupid delightedly. “Oh, this is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever heard.” Suddenly he soars straight into the sky, calling a final “whoop hoop!” behind him. He flies right up, straight pass all of the birds and through the clouds and he finally disappears.


Cupid receives a wedding invitation years later welcoming him to the matrimony of Max Jones to Angie Jonson and stating that they will be arranging a very special seat for him at their wedding table. Cupid’s already been promoted over the other Cherubs for making a success of this mission, but all this is now the icing on the cake.

“I always do love happy ever-afters,” he sighs, signing the invitation. He sheds a tear and vows never to stop pairing up couples ***** meant to be together. He begins to hum a happy tune already thinking about his next assignment. Which two unwitting love-birds should he begin to work on next? Don’t ever doubt the sparks that can fly when your heart’s under his responsibility. Happy Valentine’s Day.

What The Sky That Falls Poem Are You?

What The Sky That Falls Poem Are You?.

The Sky that Falls, by Deniz Besim is a collection of poetry that explores all sorts of social issues and themes.  The poetry is written in forms including villanelles, sestinas, sonnets and pantoums.  There is thus rhythm and regularity in the poetry that does not bypass the notice of an intellectual.  Look the book up on amazon and take this fun The Sky that Falls personality test here:

What The Sky That Falls Poem Are You?


Retails at £5.37 ($9.00)  http://www.amazon.com/Sky-that-Falls-Collection-Poems/dp/1500121576/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433160647&sr=8-1&keywords=the+sky+that+falls+createspace


What The Sky That Falls Poem Are You?

The Sky that Falls, by Deniz Besim is a collection of poetry that explores all sorts of social issues and themes.  The poetry is written in forms including villanelles, sestinas, sonnets and pantoums.  There is thus rhythm and regularity in the poetry that does not bypass the notice of an intellectual.  Look the book up on amazon and take this fun The Sky that Falls personality test here:

What The Sky That Falls Poem Are You?


Retails at £5.37 ($9.00)  http://www.amazon.com/Sky-that-Falls-Collection-Poems/dp/1500121576/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433160647&sr=8-1&keywords=the+sky+that+falls+createspace




What Wimbledon Tennis Star Are You Most Like? (game!)

Hi tennis lovers, take this test, share your answers, feedback is appreciated!

What Wimbledon Tennis Star Are You Most Like?


What Wimbledon Tennis Player Are You Most Like?



Like Serena, you’re a feisty, stubborn, determined individual and when it comes to your career, you’re someone who’s at the top of what you do. Your ambition is to win, win, win! Maybe you’re not giving anyone else a chance. Your competitors both fear you and look up to you but everyone knows that you’re no push-over! You’ve been in your game for a very long time. You only ever learn from your mistakes and always come back fighting stronger. You’re irreplaceable!

What Song Will You Have A #1 Hit With?


What Song Will You Have A Number One Hit With?

You’ve always wondered what classy ballad is most like you but you could just never place the tune. Who needs music knowledge when there’s a voice out there like yours? What song? We’ll tell you!